Horse Show High Point Award
Program Rules
Click the links below for forms and read the rules for High Point Awards and Super Horse
2024 SAHIBA High Point Nomination Form
Direct any questions, requests for entry forms or reporting forms to the High Point Chairman: Deneb Thompson, PO Box 413, Lawrenceburg, KY 40342. Phone: 304-389-5717. Email:
Eligibility Requirements: To be eligible, the horse must be a Registered Purebred or Half-Arabian owned or leased by a member of SAHIBA. The rider or handler of said horse must also be a member of SAHIBA.
Nomination Procedure: A completed nomination form (including correct registered name) and payment for all fees must be received by the High Point Chairman prior to exhibiting. Nomination fees shall be per division as follows:
Nomination into 1 division – $25; Nomination into 2 divisions – $40; Nomination into 3 divisions – $60; Nomination into 4 divisions – $80; Nomination into 5 divisions – $100.
Reporting Procedure Horse Shows: After completing classes for which you have been nominated, complete a High Point Reporting Form (copies available on the SAHIBA website or from the HP Chairman). For non-recognized shows, mail or email the completed point sheet signed by the show secretary along with a copy of the showbill listing the name, date and classes for the show to the HP Chairman. For USEF/AHA recognized shows, only the point sheet is required. Please mail or email all points within 30 days of the show.
USEF/AHA recognized shows are those with USEF and/or AHA show numbers, including AHA Community and One Day Shows. Non-recognized shows are those local, open all breed shows not recognized by USEF or AHA. USDF shows count as non-recognized unless they are also recognized by USEF or AHA.
Allocation of Points for Shows:
Placing | USEF/AHA Recognized Shows | Non-Recognized Shows |
1st | 12 | 6 |
2nd | 10 | 5 |
3rd | 8 | 4 |
4th | 6 | 3 |
5th | 4 | 2 |
6th | 2 | 1 |
Completing but not placing | 1 | .5 |
‣ Championships shall receive double points.
‣ Regional placings will count as follows: Champion – 20 pts; Reserve Champion – 15 pts; Top Five – 10 pts; participation with no placing – 5 pts.
‣ National placings will count as follows: Supreme Champion – 40 pts; Champion – 30 pts; Reserve Champion – 25 pts; Top Ten – 20 pts; participation with no placing – 15 pts.
‣ Points earned at the SAHIBA Arabian Spring Show (SASS) and SAHIBA Fall One Day Show shall count as 1 ½ times the normal point value per placing.
Award Divisions:
High Point Horse:
Halter/In Hand
Hunter/Sport Horse
Dressage (English & Western)
Open Performance & Halter
High Point Exhibitor:
Adult Exhibitor
Youth Exhibitor
Award Divisions are defined as follows:
Halter/In Hand: Any class judged solely on the horse’s conformation. Most Classic and Most Classic Head are included. Showmanship, Equitation and Performance (including but not limited to Trail In Hand) do not count.
Western: Any pleasure class judged under western tack, including Ranch Pleasure and Sidesaddle.
Saddleseat: Any pleasure class judged under saddleseat tack, including sidesaddle.
Hunter/Sport Horse: Any pleasure class judged under hunt seat or sport horse attire, including sidesaddle. Dressage and Sport Horse In Hand classes do not count.
Dressage (English & Western): Any class shown using a Dressage test as well as Suitability for Dressage.
Specialty: Any class that is not a pleasure or Dressage class. Includes but is not limited to Trail In Hand, Trail, Working Western, Reining, Ranch Riding, Hunter Over Fences, Jumping, Show Hack (English or Sport Horse), Driving (Pleasure or Carriage), Native Costume, etc.
Open Performance & Halter: Any classes included in the above divisions in any combination. This division is for the “all around” Arabian or Half-Arabian that competes in more than one discipline, or in hand and under saddle. All classes will count in this division, including Equitation and Showmanship.
Youth Exhibitor (Single Horse): One Youth and Horse Combination
Adult Exhibitor (Single Horse): One Adult and Horse Combination
If you show multiple horses, you may sign up for the Exhibitor Division more than once.
Additional Rules and Regulations:
Points will accrue from January 1st through December 1st each year.
In the event of a dispute, the determination of the High Point Chairman shall be binding.
Purebreds and Half-Arabs will be in the same divisions. SAHIBA may split the divisions if entries into the High Point Program are high.
Each year, SAHIBA will also award and Overall High Point Purebred, Overall High Point Half-Arabian and Overall High Point Exhibitor to those who earn the most points in a year, regardless of division.
Is Your Horse A Super Horse?

SAHIBA Super Horse Award
The Arabian breed has long been known for its versatility. SAHIBA would like to showcase and award those Arabians and Half-Arabians that excel in multiple disciplines. The Super Horse Award will be a perpetual trophy presented each year at the annual SAHIBA Awards Banquet. There will also be an individual trophy for the owner to keep.
To be eligible for the Super Horse Award, horses must compete in a minimum of 3 different disciplines. For examples: Sport Horse In Hand, Sport Horse Under Saddle and Sport Horse Show Hack; or Hunter Pleasure, Western Pleasure and Trail In Hand.
Halter and Sport Horse In Hand count as separate disciplines. Hunter Pleasure and Sport Horse Under Saddle count as separate disciplines. The only exceptions will be Sidesaddle (which counts in their respective disciplines), English/Western Dressage (which counts as the same discipline) and Trail In Hand/Trail (which counts as the same discipline). Purebreds and Half-Arabians will be competing for the same award. Different handlers or riders are allowed. The horse owner and primary exhibitor must be SAHIBA members.
There is no charge to participate for the Super Horse Award. However, you need to nominate your horse into the program and submit their show results.
Points will be accumulated using the AHA Qualification method. Horses receive points through sixth place and based on the number of horses in the class at the close of the gate. Horses earn one point for every horse in the class. Example: Twelve horses entered – 1st place = 12 points, 2nd place = 11 points and so on up to sixth place. Only one class per discipline per show will count in the tabulations. When submitting entries, please submit results for ALL classes entered and the High Point Chairman will select the highest placing per discipline per show. By submitting all classes, the Chairman will have records of all placings, in case they are needed as a tie-breaker.
After a show, submit results on a SAHIBA High Point Reporting Form (copies available on the SAHIBA website or from the High Point Chairman). For non-recognized shows, mail or email the completed point sheet signed by the show secretary along with a copy of the showbill listing the name, date and classes for the show to the HP Chairman. For USEF/AHA recognized shows, only the point sheet is required. Please mail or email all points within 30 days of the show.
If you have any questions about the Super Horse Award program, please contact Deneb Thompson at 304-389-5717 or