
2025 SAHIBA AVS Premiere Dressage Show Update!!!!

Since time allows, we have decided to allow post entries for the Premiere show, both for Classical on Saturday and Western and Open Breed Western on Sunday.

A few stipulations for post entries: Do Not mail your post entries. You must email them to Krystina. (Her email is in the prizelist and on the entry blank.) You also must either pay via Venmo, PayPal or provide credit card information. (For safety purposes, you may call me at 304-389-5717 with card info.)

2025 SAHIBA AVS Premiere Dressage Show Announcement!

We are adding another class to the open breed Western Dressage division.

Class #333: Western Level of Choice 2-5/Test of Choice – Open

If you are interested in adding this class, please let the show secretary know as soon as you decide so we can include you in the ride times.