The Arabian Horse is one of the oldest breeds of horses known to man, dating back to over 4500 years ago. The Arabian horse has played an important role in the world of equines as most breeds are traced back to the Arabian horse.
The Arabian horse is known for its beauty, intelligence and quick learning ability. The head has a distinctive wedge shape along with a concaved profile, large dark eyes and large nostrils. Arabians average height is 14.3 but many are much taller.
The Arabian breed is one of the few breeds that allows breeding an Arabian to any non Arabian horse and allowing it to be registered and shown. A Half Arabian is the result of any Purebred Arabian bred to any Non-Arabian and an Anglo-Arabian is any Arabian bred to a Thoroughbred. The Half Arabian can be any color range from solid to palomino, buckskin, paint, dun, pinto, paint and appaloosa. Half Arabians blend the traits and character of each breed, making them great show horses.

The Arabian horse excels at all types of disciplines from halter, western, hunt seat, saddleseat, dressage, western dressage, sport horse, mounted native costume, endurance, reining, working cow, trail, driving, cross country, over fences, ranch horse, mounted shooting, side saddle and many other fun activities.